
Alpha Transfer Aid Merlin

  • The Petermann Merlin transfer aid, which can optionally be used with a support and/or looped belt, is a simple and safe aid for assisting people with restricted movements instanding up and changing position. The Merlin transfer aid enables carers to transfer patients in an easier, energysaving and back-friendly manner and it can also mobilise the remaining strength in the patient’s arms and legs, if applicable, and also give them a feeling of security.

    The ingenious design in conjunction with the smooth-running rollers allows a particularly safe and easy handling of the Merlin transfer aid. The use of high-quality stainless steel also allows maximum stability and keeps disinfection processes even after multiple uses without problems and completely rust-free.

    This product is under contract to NSW Health – contact us for further information.

Please contact us to discuss your needs in relation to this product. We want to ensure you are getting exactly what you require.
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